Materialization (paranormal)

In spiritualism, paranormal literature, and some religions, materialization (also referred to as manifestation) is the creation or appearance of matter from unknown sources. It is the transformation of something abstract or virtual into something concrete and tangible. The existence of materialization would contradict the generally accepted law of conservation of energy.



Accounts of materialization in Christianity include the biblical story of the multiplication of bread and fish by Jesus to feed a hungry crowd (John 6:1-15 & Mark 6:35-44) and Genesis where everything came out of nothing.

Contemporary Indian gurus Sathya Sai Baba and Swami Premananda claim to perform materializations and spontaneous vibuthi (holy ash) manifestations are reported by Baba's followers on his pictures at their homes and once in diwali a festival of hindus he transformed water into oil for lighting fire lamps(diva).[1][2][3][4]

Scientific views

The existence of materialization was not confirmed by laboratory experiments. Confirmation would falsify the generally accepted law of conservation of energy. A theoretical description of materialization phenomena is possible with the theory of stochastic processes; a simple mathematical description is the extended Fokker-Planck equation.


See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ Sathya Sai Baba Miracles depicting photos of miracles associated with Sai Baba
  2. ^ Mick Brown: The Miracle In North London. In: The Spiritual Tourist. A Personal Odyssey Through the Outer Reaches of Belief. 1998, ISBN 1-58234-034-X, pp. 29-30
  3. ^ Prinella Pillay: Divine blessing: It's a miracle, says family. In: Post (South African newspaper), 17 March 2004
  4. ^ The Sunday Times (South Africa): House of Miracles. 24 March 2002